Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Blue Theme (Heart Cake)

Dari Cikgu Hanim…


Monday, October 22, 2012

Hello Kitty 3D Cake


Birthday Cake..:Teddy Bear:..


.:cupcake hantaran:.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sun Cake Design

3D Guitar Cake..

last minute order.. tp tetap excited buat 3D cake..

Sunday, June 10, 2012

chocolate moist cake

Monday, June 4, 2012

..::Kek Hari Guru::..

Assalamualaikum semua… how are you feeling right now, good, better, bad or even worse u had a fever right now?? i  hope u’ll be fine, always take ur medicine on time huhu… dan sy , alhamdulillah im doing just fine… kek ni dah lama buat, well, you knew that Teacher Day was last month, cuma x dak masa nak upload gambar, boleh dikatakan, busylah sangatttttt hahahaha…^_~

semua dah nampakkan, it’s a rich moist choc cake, full with chocolate… dr dlm sampai luar… kalau kamilah, x tahu blh masuk ke tidak dalam kerongkong nie, mana taknya selalu sgt tgk and merasa kek coklat ni…. tp alhamdulillah, habis jugak,… Demi keazaman cikgu2 menghabiskan kek ni hehe Open-mouthed smile, i’ll wish all of you, Selamat Hari Guru and to my teachers,, Happy Teacher Day… (lots of love ye cikgu)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Monday, April 30, 2012

Black n White Theme

Salam Perpisahan ..

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kek Bola for Furqan..


Assalamualaikumm w.b.r & hello guys.. nak tau tak… masa buat kek ni macam nak belah je bola tuu,,,, pasai apa tau? takut tak elok. last last alhamdulillah… semoga kak lah puas hati dengan hasil tangan kami.terimakasih kerana order dari kami.. tqvm

sample cupcake…

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hantaran Cake..

Assalamualaikum and hello to everyone.  how ur doing??hope today is ur lovely day..  this is our latest project. last minute punya kerja.. reben pon x leh nk keras elok, but still bersyukur sgt dpt siapkan kek tunang nie.. Selamat bertunang kpd pasangan yg x tau sapa nama, sbb guna perantara sj haha..moga pertunangan ini akn berkekalan sampai majlis akad ye, amin…..

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hantaran cake (purple theme)

im not satisfied with this cake, really hope that they like it.. maybe penat x habis lg kan, imagine we got back from seremban on thursday’s morning around 3 am and the person want it on friday, so kalut laa..but alhamdulillah we managed to make it.. cuma, still not satisfied with this one

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year

Assalamualaikum w.b.r and good evening to everyone.. hmmm, seem like  all the chinese will be celebrating chinese new year tomorrow.. actually cupcake ni bukannya pa2 pun, just as a gift for my neighbours.. ye laa, kita kan hidup dlm satu Malaysia mesti kena sepakat baru laa aman kan, kan ,kan..^_~ HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR..

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hantaran cake ( pink colour)

thank you kak lisa n zamri for ordering from makcik rozana.. >_< maaf, kalau x cantik di mata, biarlah cantik  di hati ye.. hope u guys love it…

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wedding Cake (White & Purple Theme ..)

To mak cik rozana, thank you so much for supporting us… we have a few ‘pantun’  for u..

Terima kasih daun keladi,

Support kami banyak kali,

Moga Allah murahkan rezeki,

Boleh kami tumpang sekaki.. hehee

And to our newly wed, even though x pernah bersua, cuma guna perantara sj, kami doakan semoga berbahagia ke anak cucu ye.. amin n_n

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Rizuan..


the closing of 2011.. may all of the photo bring some inspiration to those who love’s new year right…  i guess i want to make some change to this blog… perasan x, sy x pernah write anything setiap kali i post the entry..hahaha.. back to the cake,as u can see, he was very lucky lahir pd awal tahun.. celebrating birthday on new year, hahaha anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, RIZUAN & MAY aLLAH BLESS YOU, AMIN… Smile